4 Reasons why gardening is good… for YOU

Gardening has so many great benefits but the one that isn’t often spoken about is the benefit to your physical and mental health. So here are a few reasons to get out in your garden for not just your borders sake, but for your own.
It helps reduce stress
With the stress of general day to day life, we can get lost in the feeling of ‘being stressed’. When we as humans become stressed, we produce a hormone called Cortisol, this hormone produces the symptoms of being stressed such an elevated heart rate and muddy thinking. Gardening not only allows you to focus on one thing but allows your creative juices to flow. You may think you’re just creating a colourful border, but whilst you are thinking of where to plant your bulbs, you’re reducing your cortisol level with your focus and mindfulness. Stepping away from the day and just focusing your attention on your garden for 45 minutes can relax your body, focus your mind and allow you to reboot.

It’s a great form of exercise and helps with your self-esteem
Gardening is an understated form of exercise, getting up to your elbows in mud, heaving out roots and digging for an hour is said to burn up to 330 calories. With exercise comes endorphins, the ‘happy hormone’. Endorphins are known to increase your self-confidence and your general energy levels. Recent studies with community gardeners have also shown gardening has increased their body appreciation and image.
Mood booster
Being outside and in the sunshine helps with the release of serotonin. Serotonin is known to balance your mood which allows us to feel more positive and productive. We all know the feeling where we can ‘take on the world’, so why not pick up your trowel and tackle the garden knowing at the end of the day you’ve achieved something great? Being out in the daylight can also help produce the sleep hormone melatonin, which means that spending time in your garden can set you up for a great night’s sleep and a beautiful day ahead. Remember, if you are spending time in the sun to protect your skin with sun cream.

Boost to your Immune system and keeps you healthy.
As well as serotonin levels, vitamin D is also known to boost your immune system. It helps with your bone strength by helping your body absorb calcium and in turn, keeps your immune system healthy. A study has also shown that gardening regularly can reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack by 30%.
For more information regarding Cultivation Street, and to see fun ways in which you can spend your time in the garden, read more of our blogs or visit our activities page.