Dane Ghyll Primary School
Who are you?
Dane Ghyll Primary School Cumbria, Louise Postlewaite
What can we find in your garden?
There are now 7 raised beds, one for each year group to plant vegetables in. The children prepare the plants and water their own beds. They also have a polytunnel with a selection of vegetables and plants that are grown from seeds. This means that each year has a responsibility to look after and care for their bed

Benefits of the school garden...

It’s been great because it has got the children involved in an outdoors activity, something they can call their own. The recent development of growing vegetables has been a big exciting step as they can now eat what they grow. This has enabled them to learn more about healthy diets, where their food comes from, how to cook and the conditions different foods need to grow.
What has your gardening group has done for your community?
- We have worked closely with the Woodland Trust planting crocus and trees (along with the Rotary Club), we planted special purple crocus in order to raise awareness for polio.
- In 2017 we had had a polytunnel installed which was a huge benefit and enabled us to grow vegetables throughout the year. Previously only spring onions, cabbages and cauliflowers survived the outside, but this year the children have been able to grow these as well as herbs, peas and carrots.
- The carrots were huge this year– the vegetables are bigger and straighter due to being grown in the polytunnel rather than outside.
What projects does Dane Ghyll Primary School have lined up?
- Before Christmas the children sent letters to 25 different local companies asking for funding. They are desperate for a new shed roof as theirs blew off during the winter storms. So this is something they are hoping to either be donated or fundraise for.
- Now the polytunnel is in place the children can grow more tropical fruits like oranges, lemons, grapes and figs in the summer.
- They also have a large wildlife area with a pond which needs a solar powered pump as it’s clogged with algae. There are lots of frogs living in the pond, so the children really want to keep it clear for them.
- And finally, they also want to revamp the area by getting some unusual planters using recycled materials as well as some more permanent plants, rather than just bedding plants.

How can your local garden centre support you?
It would be great if the local garden could support us with our plans for 2018. They could be a great resource to supply information on how to upcycle stuff to use for unusual plant pots and we may need tips for ensuring the summer fruit grows well. A bonus would be if they had a great contact who could find an organization that could help us with our shed roof or water pump.
Community gardens across the UK are not only growing rapidly in numbers but are also doing incredible work, transforming lives as well as the land itself. We would love you to join us now.