Sophie Lyall from Haskins Garden Centre, West End, Southampton talks to Cultivation Street

Who are you and where do you work?
My name is Sophie Lyall and I work at Haskins Garden Centre in West End, Southampton
What does being an Ambassador mean for you?
I have only become an Ambassador this year, but have already visited one new school who are now onboard and we are continuing to help a school we have worked with in the past. I think it's great to be able to get the children involved, out in the fresh air and learning new things about gardening
Tell us about how you have interacted with schools or communities so far?
We have helped our first school, Townhill Infants, over several years by supplying items for their school garden and it will be great to continue working with them again this year
We're also working with Bitterne C of E Primary school who have a nature group of 6 children who get together each afternoon to help with the gardening. I have visited the school and together we have come up with a plan to refresh all the garden areas and even help the children grow some vegetables
What ideas, plans or projects do you have in the pipeline?
We'll be refreshing, replanting and re-painting the run down areas at Bitterne C of E and it'll be great fun to get the children involved to help with the clearing and planting
What would you like to see in your area from community and school gardening?
I would like the children to have a garden area which they will learn to look after themselves (with our support!) and be pleased with the fact that they have been part of creating something that everyone can enjoy
Do you have any quick tips for other Ambassadors on how to engage with schools and communities?
Don't wait for people to contact you - reach out to your local schools and communities to see how you can help - it's so rewarding. I love it!
Sophie Lyall
Cultivation Street Ambassador
Haskins for Garden Pleasure
Mansbridge Road, Gaters Hill
West End, Southampton SO18 3HW
Tel: 02380 472324

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