Springhallow School
Tell us about your school...
We are Springhallow School in Ealing, London. Our school is for young people with a diagnosis of Autism, Speech, language and communication difficulties.
The school moved 2 years ago, so our garden is quite new. In our school garden we have 8 raised beds, where we grow vegetables, and a border where we have just planted some fruit trees and soft fruits. We also like to grow flowers and herbs (we love plants which look, smell and feel interesting!)

What has having a school garden meant to the students?
Each class has a lesson outside each week. They learn about growing food and caring for plants.
Being in the garden is an opportunity to work together, learn new skills and get in touch with nature. For some pupils the garden may be a route into work, or an interest they will have for life.
Many of our pupils don’t have gardens and getting out to the park can be challenging for some of our parents, so the garden provides an opportunity to experience handling soil, use tools, grow plants, eat what they grow and observe nature.

What does the future hold?
- Having just planted some fruit trees and bushes, we want to put some paths in the border area – at the moment we keep walking over the soil!
- We have started off growing lots of sunflower seeds indoors, so will soon get those outside.
- We want to grow more veg this year. We also plan to plant some wild flowers in another area of our playground.
- Our headteacher is keen to extend an area of the playground so we can hold forest school sessions and have a more interesting ‘wild play’ area.