August Gardening Tips

We're well and truly into the British summer and let's be honest, we can't quite believe we're nearly in August. So let's think ahead and look at the jobs we should be doing in our garden.
Water Water Water
With dry summer spells getting longer, it’s really important that you keep a regular watering regime. Making sure your garden is watered is the key to keeping it looking fresh and colourful through the summer. If you have a large garden, or know you may be out for an evening. Maybe look into automatic watering systems, or ask a friend of neighbour to help.

When your grass is good and watered. Why not apply a lawn fertiliser to the moist soil. This will strengthen your grass and help prevent weed formation. Visit to see their available products.
Herb is the Word
Late summer is a great time to gather your herbs. Its an easy job, just find a new stem and cut just below the leaf joint. You’ll know which herbs are ready to harvest as their scent will be at their strongest.

August is a huge month for harvesting, as we approach the autumn, check out our Cultivation Street Veg calendar to see what fruit and veg you should be picking this month.
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