Community Garden Competition Entry
Please answer all the questions below to enter the Community Garden Category of our competition.
The deadline is 5th August!
*Top tip - copy and paste these questions into a Microsoft Word document so you can keep coming back to it at your leisure as this form will not auto-save the text you have entered. Once you have all your completed answers on the Word document, copy and paste them into this form and send.*
Please email your photos to [email protected] and put your community garden name and COMMUNITY GARDEN into the subject of the email.
Good luck!
Please email [email protected] with up to 15 project images. Please ensure images are smaller than 10MB altogether - if they are not the email will not send.
Please put your garden project and COMMUNITY GARDEN into the subject of the email.
If you have any issues sending photos please use this link to transfer them via WeTransfer (it's simple, free and can hold more images)

Step 1) Click on the We transfer link above - this will take you to the page displayed in the above image.
Step 2) Click on the blue plus "Add your files" and select your photos from your computer.
Enter [email protected] as the recipient email.
Enter YOUR email underneath
Enter your community garden name name and COMMUNITY GARDEN as the message body
Step 3) Click Transfer and this screen will show up.
You will also receive an email from We Transfer to say your photos have been successfully delivered.