Cultivation Street Our Stories – Lost the Plot

Cultivation Street's category Garden's for Better Health was first launched last year. We were overwhelmed with the incredible stories that were sent to us, including last years winner 'Lost the Plot' in Kent. Read the story of this amazing project, with hope it will inspire you enter your own or perhaps join a community garden.
Talk It Out mental health voluntary support group has been running now for 8 years, starting as an outdoor wellbeing centre and growing into a thriving allotment plot for mental health survivors in the local community.

When work started, the allotment had no structure, plants or features. A clear walk way and access for all was the first priority so all members could enjoy the new venture. Wide clear walkways and raised beds were therefore included. The allotment exists to provide a green space where members can have access to the experience of gardening, healthy exercise, and a supply of fresh fruit and vegetables. Having started with nothing and now has potatoes, asparagus, lettuce, beans, peas, strawberries, onions, sweetcorn, radishes, cabbage and carrots.
The plot benefits from strategically placed insect hotels, hedgehog havens and a natural pond has a small solar powered water fountain and is easily accessible for pond wildlife. A pond, a memorial rose garden, an insect haven and hedgehog home are all on site. There are poly tunnels, netting, an herb garden, and specialist plants like strawberries, plums, asparagus and rhubarb. The sensory area has seating with table and chairs for quiet reflection.

Many of the group members suffer with depression, anxiety, SAD, stress and bi polar disorder. This project provides an alternative place for members to go and have a chat during the day if they are in need. As well as holistic support, the garden have links with local mental health charities and a qualified psychotherapist so professional support is provided. Operating on an organic method to benefit the environment, the team rotate crops so the soil is protected and have a clear plan put in place for the coming seasons.
The plot has only been going for only just over a year and they have transformed a bare strip into a calm wellbeing haven for all their members to enjoy. This plot is so much more than a beautiful gardening area. The mental health of the group has improved and everybody loves talking about the garden. This project really should serve as a template for outdoor wellbeing centres.
Nobody is excluded from the group, it’s open to all. The access and raised borders allow everybody to enjoy the project and the seated area has shade for break time. It has been well planned and laid out to maximise the best use of the natural environment and productivity of fresh produce.

'I cannot do justice with words the revelation in people's lives this allotment has provided. Our members have improved confidence, have learned new skills, are getting regular healthy exercise, are eating well and dare I say many have gained an inner peace that wasn't previously there'.
Colin Smith, member of Lost the Plot and Talk it out Mental Health Support Group
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