Pilot project offering £500 to schools takes off!
The Moseley in Bloom schools project
Moseley in Bloom has a new initiative to develop partnerships with local schools.
The team at Moseley in Bloom want to encourage pupils, teachers, parents and governors to work together to create and sustain ‘greening’ projects on school sites.
Their hope is that these projects will inspire pupils to develop gardening skills and an understanding of their role in the quality and sustainability of the environment.
To fundraise for their local schools last year, Moseley in Bloom held an Open Gardens Day, in which visitors were welcomed into the beautiful back gardens of participants for a small fee.
This year, Moseley in Bloom's Open Garden Day will be held on the weekend of 30th June and 1st July. So get your sunhats on and your purses out and you could be wandering through the delightful gardens of this year's participants in no time!
You can find all the details including ticket sales, bus routes, opening gardens on their website
The money that was raised through this initiative has been used to create The Moseley in Bloom Schools Project".
(Photo credit to Marci Green)

A future initiative!
If you are a school in the B13 postcode area, Moseley in Bloom are encouraging you to imagine a project that can be completed on your school grounds. Perhaps your school has an unloved patch of ground that you could bring into fruit or flower? Maybe you could create some raised beds to fill with sensory plants, like fluffy Lamb's ear or sherbet-scented Lemon verbena? Or are there corners of your schoolyard where birds could bathe and butterflies alight?
If you are at a qualifying school and have a project in mind, you are invited to submit an application for up to £500 worth of funding to make your thriving green space idea a reality.
For more details and to submit an application visit http://www.moseleyinbloom.org.uk/schools/
Community gardens across the UK are not only growing rapidly in numbers but are also doing incredible work, transforming lives as well as the land itself. We would love you to join us now.