Wilmcote C of E Primary School
Wilmcote C E Primary School is running its own community garden, where the children decide among themselves what flowers, vegetables and features they want to see in their garden. It gives the pupils somewhere to go that is their own and also educates them about nature and the growing process.

"A great sense of community"
How has the garden helped the school/community?
The pupils have been fully involved in the creation of the community garden, which included clearing the space for the garden, choosing and planting seeds for flowers and vegetables and designing and creating their own play areas that can be used all year round.
The garden is also accessed by the local church and community, who are able to mix with the children, creating a great sense of community between old and young.
What plans do they have in the pipeline?
The children are hoping to sell off some of the produce they grow to raise money for a weather station, bird feeders and bird food. They also intend to bring in some larges raised beds, a meadow area full of wild flowers and a raised water garden to support nearby pondlife. They recently found a toad! To add to this, they are planning to install ramps and access for disabled visitors.
Tips for other school groups?
Visit as many small local businesses and ask all parents if they have any helpful connections. This worked for them because one of their parents sold peat around the world and donated some to the garden. A garden centre donated a large amount of plants, bedding and raised beds, so definitely try and make contact with your nearest one.

Community gardens across the UK are not only growing rapidly in numbers but are also doing incredible work, transforming lives as well as the land itself. We would love you to join us now.