Plant a Rainbow
During lockdown, the rainbow became a symbol of hope and gratitude for the hard-working NHS. The nation displayed rainbows in windows and gardens, filling dreary days with a splash of colour.
Now, we're looking towards a brighter futures. Schools and communities are open once again. And there's no better time to get growing with much-missed friends and families.
So, if you have a spare raised bed in your or an empty pot, follow our plant suggestions and grow yourself a rainbow!
All the mentioned plants are available to buy as plug plants from your local garden centre. And these are sure to give your school and community gardens a instant burst of colour.
The plants have similar needs in terms of soil type and watering. So, they should grow well together in containers.
Simply water them well and feed them regularly, and you should have a gorgeous display for late-spring and summer!

Geraniums, one of the most popular bedding plants. They give any garden a vibrant burst of colour, plus a gorgeous fragrance. Geraniums, in their bright scarlet, are the perfect flower to start your rainbow.

Osteospermum 'African daisy' Voltage Yellow originates from South Africa. And they can be found in many colours. But this particular yellow is great for adding a cheery essence of sunshine to any colourful border.

Dianthus, popularly referred to as ‘garden pinks’ come in all different shades of pink. From soft muted pastels like 'Doris', perfect for spring, to hot fuchsias like that of the Dianthus 'Twinkle'. So, whatever you're after, you'll be sure to find the perfect pink for your rainbow.

Ferns are super low maintenance, yet beautiful, foliage. And this makes them perfect for your containers!
Consider adding the 'Shuttlecock' fern, for example. Their soft, feather-like green leaves will add a zing of green to your rainbow. As well as a delicate texture to break up your bold perennials.

Lobelia erinus 'Sapphire' boasts beautiful, jewel-like petals of purple. Although their petals are small, they'll make a mighty impact when contrasted with the greens and oranges of your rainbow. And, like ferns, they'll add a softer, fluffy texture to your display.

Calibrachoa 'Can Can Orange' are small mound-forming, evergreen perennials. They proudly display small, trumpet-like flowers, in a deep clementine orange. The flowers are perfect for sunny-sited containers. And bring the perfect, eye-popping touch of orange to your garden.

Pansies are garden favourites and they're perfect for planting in pots and containers. They have large, hardy blooms sure to stand out. And for a beautiful, inky blue, try 'Martix Blue Blotch' pansies. These will add a deeper, sophisticated tone to your rainbow border.

We hope this blog helps bring a bit more colour to your garden!
And remember entries are now open for Cultivation Street 2023 so click the link below to enter your garden!