Activity of the Week – Make a grass Caterpillar
Activity of the Week
Make a Grass Caterpillar

This week’s activity is one for the whole family to take part in. It’s fun and can be a great learning tool for the kids.

What you'll need
Grass seed
Plant trays
Old tights (not opaque)
Rubber bands or string
Googly eyes
- Cut the tights in half to create two individual legs, then cut the toe end of the tights.
- Tie a knot in one end of the tight tube. Make sure to make it as tight as you can.
- Fill the tights with the compost, to make the body for the caterpillar. Make sure the tights are filled and keep filling until it's the length you want it to be.
- Sprinkle your grass seed on the inside of the tights along one side of the caterpillar, then tie a knot in the end.
- Once you've made the main body of your caterpillar, wrap the rubber bands or string around the body to create sections.
- Add your googly eyes to the caterpillar.
- Lay the caterpillar in a tray with shallow water in so that the soil has chance to soak it up. When the soil is moist, remove the caterpillar from the water and place on a dry tray.
Position your caterpillar on the windowsill and remember to water your caterpillar.