How to sow and grow tomatoes UK

Tomatoes are a delicious summer staple. Juicy pockets of refreshing flavour, no salad is complete without them! Like all fruit and veg, tomatoes taste a whole lot better when you’ve grown them yourself. You can taste the sunshine! Easy to grow, there are plenty of varieties to choose from. This includes the classic cherry and…


10 Plants for Colder Community Gardens

– 10 Plants for Colder Community Gardens – Though there aren’t extreme temperature differences throughout the UK, there are some areas where it’s a little chillier at certain times of the year. Therefore, it’s important to pick plants that are suited to the climate of the community garden to provide success. So, with that in…


Spice up your garden

This blog is not for the faint hearted, or for the cooler mouths. This is all about HEAT and how you can bring an extra spice to your table with these 4 flowers, fruits, and veggies you can grow in your garden. Rocket This peppery salad leaf is not only one of the fastest veg…