Autumn vegetables to grow

Autumn can often feel like it isn’t possible to grow any more produce. However, there are still plenty of vegetables to grow through the autumn months to give you a head start next year. Carrots Humble carrots can be quite frost-hardy, so are great to continue growing in autumn. One carrot variety suitable for growing…


How to recycle your Christmas tree to help your garden

It’s that time of year when we start to clear away our Christmas decorations and get our homes all freshened up for the new year. But if you have had a cut living Christmas tree this holiday season, you may be trying to decide the best way to dispose of it. There are a few…


How to help birds over winter

Whilst many animals hibernate during the cold winter months, please spare a thought for our flying feathered friends. They are out and about 12 months of the year! Winter can be a hard time for birds both food and drink-wise. They need high-fat food to keep energy reserves high for the harsh conditions, and equally…


10 Plants for Colder Community Gardens

– 10 Plants for Colder Community Gardens – Though there aren’t extreme temperature differences throughout the UK, there are some areas where it’s a little chillier at certain times of the year. Therefore, it’s important to pick plants that are suited to the climate of the community garden to provide success. So, with that in…


How to handle an Unexpected Frost

Weather in the early spring can be unpredictable for gardeners. From warm days to sudden frosty mornings, the weather forecast is so important. Remember that it is not unknown for their to be snow in April. And this type of weather event can take you by surprise. So, we want to help you take steps…


Snowdrops – Plant of the Week

Plant of the Week Snowdrops Snowdrops are the staple flower for any winter garden. If you planted yours in the spring, now is the time you will start to see their beautiful white flowers blooming. These low maintenance plants are the sign that spring is on its way, with no requirements for pruning, just simply…


Winter vegetables

by Kirsty Ward The nights are drawing in, the mornings have a chill and the bobble hat is securely on when I’m down on my allotment now. We are heading into winter but that doesn’t mean that the allotment needs to come to a stop, there are always lots of jobs to be doing and…