Carol Watson – Notcutts Tunbridge Wells

My memorable project I met with the teenagers from Oakley school gardening club, a school that facilitates young adults and children that have communication and learning difficulties, to talk to them about propagation in their school garden in their own polytunel. I chose this subject because it was something they could teach their parents friends &…


Midfield School Eco Garden

Introduction It began during Easter, 2015, when a couple of teachers who are passionate about getting the children outdoors put together a plan to get the students involved in more activities not classroom based. First they dug some plant beds and started growing vegetables. The school managed to get a bit of funding and some…


Includeme2 club

Who are the Includeme2 club? Includeme2 is a charity club for children, young people and adults based in Glasgow, Scotland. The club provides support to people with learning difficulties and disabilities, taking a community-based approach to improve and enhance the lives of the club’s members. Susan Wilson is the head volunteer and helps run a…


Alice’s Hampton Highlights

I was fortunate enough to go to the RHS Hampton Court Flower Show on media day (2nd July). The gardens were stunning, like the weather. I had a really good day and so wanted to share my highlights with you, many of which I hope will give you, the Cultivation Street readers, ideas or will…