Activity of the Week – Plant a Rose
- Activity of the Week -
- Plant a Rose for Valentines Day -

We mostly associate roses with Valentines day, especially red ones. So, in celebration of Valentine’s Day, rather than buying a bouquet, look to buy and plant up a rose to mark the occasion in your garden. It's also a great way to mark the coming of spring!
Planting Roses can be daunting, they do have a reputation as being somewhat high-maintenance. but don't let that bother you. We have the perfect tips and tricks to growing the perfect roses!
- Planting Roses -

Now is the perfect time to plant up a bare root and containerised roses.
Ideally, this rose needs to be planted into the ground as soon as you get them home.
The soil needs to be neither frozen nor too dry. Therefore, its best to make sure the conditions are right.
Tending Roses

When planting, make sure you apply some well-rotted organic matter in the area you wish to place the rose.
Dig a hole twice the width of the plants roots. The depth should be as deep as the spade’s blade.
Place the rose in the centre and fill gently with the excavated soil. Make sure you water well. Finally, feed with general or rose specific feed in the spring.