Make your own Petal Perfume

It always seems to be a rite of passage as a child to make your own petal perfume. With the wind picking up, we may see a few petals from our flowers falling on to the ground. Why not send the kids out to collect them and make a nice, natural fragrance? If you are happy to say goodbye to a few full heads of flowers, let them choose which flowers they like the scent of the most, so it’s their own custom aroma.
What you'll need
Flower petals

Mason jar or jug



Boiling Water


Empty perfume bottle

Pestle or something similar like a rolling pin

Step 1
Collect the fragrant petals (we recommend lavender, roses, or honeysuckle) and wash them under cold water. Make sure there is no heat in the water because that will remove some of the delightful scent.

Step 2
Put the petals in the mason jar or jug and pour a small amount of the boiling water in to just cover the petals. Use a utensil to crush down the petals and get as much fragrance out of them as possible. Once this is done, pour in the remaining water to fill the jar or jug. If you opted for a jug, cover the top tightly with cling-film. Let the water cool for 4-5 hours, or even overnight.

Step 3
Once the water is completely cooled, pour the now scented water into another jug or bowl using the sieve to separate the water and the petals.

Step 4
Using a funnel or steady hands, pour your perfume into your empty bottle and ENJOY the enchanting fragrance you have just created.
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