Early spring gardening jobs for indoors

Spring is a busy time of year both for the natural world and also for Community gardeners!  There will be lots of things to do outside in the spring but the weather can often be extreme. Rain and cold can make it impractical to work the soil. If that’s the case plan indoor jobs that…


How to sow and grow lettuce UK

None of us want to be slaving over a hot stove when the sun’s out. The perfect solution? Salad! So, why not give growing lettuce a go in your school or community garden? Salad season is officially upon us! When it comes to the crunch, growing your own lettuce is easy, cheaper, and far tastier…


Bake your own beetroot brownies

Beetroots are a bit like Marmite. A love it or hate it vegetable. But did you know you can bake Beetroots into gorgeous brownies that everyone will enjoy? Chocolatey and nutritious, with around half the fat of regular brownies, these are a great way to seamlessly introduce healthier sweet treats into communities and classrooms. Why…


How to sow and grow beetroot UK

Beetroot is easily recognisable for its brilliant red roots, and delicious (though a little divisive) sharp taste. Beetroot can be boiled, roasted, and pickled. And makes a particularly impressive addition to a cheese sandwich! Beetroot are a great veg for school and community gardens. They take up very little room and can even be grown…