Vegetable pairs game | Activity

Learn the names of vegetables you can grow in your garden while having fun!
Download our work sheet then follow the simple steps below to make your very own vegetable pairs game!
You Will Need
- Two printed vegetable game sheets
- Colouring pens and pencils
- Two sheets of plain card
- Scissors
- Glue stick

Step 1
Print two of the vegetable pairs game work sheets.

Step 2
Use your marker or coloured pencil to colour in the images.

Step 3
Cut round the outside of the vegetable artwork using the dotted lines.

Step 4
Apply glue to the back of the vegetable artwork.

Step 5
Stick the coloured vegetable artwork on to the card.

Step 6
Cut along the remaining dotted lines to create individual playing cards.

Step 7
To Play:
- Place the cards face down
- Take it in turns to turn over two cards
- If they match, keep them
- If they don't match turn them back over
- Game over when all cards are matched
- The player with the most pairs is the WINNER!
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