Cultivation Street Winners 2022

It’s been another challenging year for many of us, but gardening has provided inspiration, motivation and recreation for millions of Britons. Today we celebrate the Cultivation Street winners of the 2022 campaign. For 10 years my national community gardening competition Cultivation Street has been celebrating the best of Britain’s green spaces. From inner cities to…


Winners coming soon

As we wrap up another year of Cultivation Street – not just any year, but the 10th year – we are once again astounded by the entries. It may have been another challenging year for many of us, but gardening has provided inspiration and motivation for a lot of us too. It allows us to…


William Shakespeare’s Blooms

Shakespeare includes many blooms within his work. Countless plays feature plants as hidden meanings, messages, and metaphors. The symbology of nature is powerful. He suggests love, loss, and hatred with the use of flowers, herbs, and trees. Most of the plants that occur in his plays are easily recognisable to us today. The image of…


Cultivation Street Stories

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