Herts and Essex – Our Stories

Allotments are hard to come by in Harlow Essex, so in 2013 a group of residents came together and transformed a derelict patch of council land into a green haven. Fly tipping was such a problem at the derelict site that the team of volunteers had to do the work by hand, as it was…


Behind the Sunday Mirror – Radlett Lodge School

At times like this, we are all doing the best we can to keep our mental and physical health strong. Our Cultivation Street category, ‘Gardens for Better health’, helps to showcase gardens that are having the most positive impact on the mental or physical health of the local community. We are looking at the people…


How to make an Easter Tree

With the Easter weekend almost upon us, we thought we’d help you bring some Easter spirit into your home. If you have been unable to go out and buy one, don’t worry we have all the tools here for you to spruce up your home with a bit of colour and festivity


Community Gardening – Survey

Help us help you! We are looking for our amazing community gardeners to answer a few questions to see how you are coping with the current Covid-19 crisis. Click the link below and answer just 9 questions TAKE SURVEY


Cultivation Street Our Stories – Lost the Plot

Cultivation Street’s category Garden’s for Better Health was first launched last year. We were overwhelmed with the incredible stories that were sent to us, including last years winner ‘Lost the Plot’ in Kent. Read the story of this amazing project, with hope it will inspire you enter your own or perhaps join a community garden.


4 Reasons why gardening is good… for YOU

With current restrictions and an allotted amount of time to exercise, we know that a lot of you are using your garden as an escape from everything. Gardening has so many great benefits but the one that isn’t often spoken about is the benefit to your physical and mental health. So here are a few reasons to get out in your garden for not just your borders sake, but for your own.


Behind the Sunday Mirror – Essington in Bloom

The Cultivation Street Gardens for Better Health competition category first launched in 2019 and it saw some incredible and uplifting entries. We are so excited to see what this year brings and what good people are bringing to their communities.


Top 5 Air Purifying House Plants

With spending a lot of time in your home or your garden, you may be looking to see which best houseplants can brighten your living room or add some character to your kitchen. Here are some great plants for your home that won’t just make your inside space look better but could help you feel better too.


Behind the Sunday Mirror – Edible Rotherhithe

Even in its 8th year, Cultivation street is introduced to new and exciting gardening projects. Edible Rotherhithe, an organisation working with schools, have been running a twice-weekly food growing afterschool club for the pupils of Surrey Square Primary School free of charge.