Health, Happiness, and Horticulture!

Introduction Health, happiness and horticulture is the gardening club set up at St Oswald’s ALN Secondary School in Glasgow! As part of this year’s academic session we have been running a Wellbeing Award.  This has involved the pupils going to PE for physical health and  attending Home Economics to learn about gardening and healthy eating.…


The ultimate planting guide for your veg

Nothing tastes as great as vegetables you have grown yourself and it’s so easy to get started with this ultimate planting guide brought to you by David Domoney and the Cultivation Street team!  So why not give it a try?  But we know that the more crops you have, the more confusing it gets. Each…


The Top 10 Spring Plants to keep Pollinating insects

– Top 10 Spring Plants to Keep Pollinating Insects – When we think of spring, we often think of spring plants and flowers, and the buzzing insects visiting them. Bumblebees, solitary bees, butterflies and many other pollinators emerge when the weather warms up. However, pollen and nectar can sometimes be hard to come by. A…


How to write a press release

Press releases are how journalists receive information about news stories that they may want to feature in their publication. Creating them is a very useful skill if you have a story or an event that you would like to get the word out about, perhaps through a local newspaper, radio station or website. But if…


Digging techniques to aid you and your garden

Digging in the garden is something we do all the time, whether it’s for planting new trees or turning over soil, but many people don’t realise that a bad digging technique can put you at risk of injury. The best time to dig is from October through to December- this can be difficult as the…


Spring Advice from Coletta & Tyson Garden Centre

Now is the time to clean and repair your garden tools; book the lawn mower in for a service and check garden furniture for any rot or damage. When it is warm enough to brave the elements, treat sheds, fences and trellis with wood preservative; brushes and rollers are fine for most things, however a…


Cultivation Street’s top cutting flowers you can grow at home

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Plant Hall of Fame

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Front Garden Guide – Hiding your wheelie bin

Wheelie bins are a necessity for the daily task of sorting our household rubbish and recycling. The wheelie bin has made the process of collecting our waste much safer. It offers protection from things like sharp objects or glass. However, our wheelie bins can often be a hindrance for those of us. Especially, if we…


Great ideas for kids gardening

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