Top 5 vegetables for children to grow

Sometimes, getting children to eat vegetables can be challenging. However, a great way to help overcome this is to encourage them to have a go at growing their own!  Spring is the perfect time of year for sowing veg seeds and planting out veg seedlings. Here are five easy-to-grow types of vegetables that might just…


Crops to grow year-round

Whilst traditional to sow and grow vegetables annually, it might surprise you that some crops keep growing year-round. Or for most of the year and these are known as perennial veg. There are huge advantages to having perennial veg, the most important that you can harvest from many of them year-round. This saves you money,…


Early spring gardening jobs for indoors

Spring is a busy time of year both for the natural world and also for Community gardeners!  There will be lots of things to do outside in the spring but the weather can often be extreme. Rain and cold can make it impractical to work the soil. If that’s the case plan indoor jobs that…


How to grow swede UK

  Swede, also known as ‘Neeps’ in Scotland, is a hardy root vegetable. It’s almost otherworldly with its purple-green skin, and yellowy-orange flesh. But, despite its odd turnip-y look, they carry a sweet and earthy flavour. This makes Swede a great addition to hearty winter dishes.     Swedes are relatively easy to grow from…


10 Plants for Colder Community Gardens

– 10 Plants for Colder Community Gardens – Though there aren’t extreme temperature differences throughout the UK, there are some areas where it’s a little chillier at certain times of the year. Therefore, it’s important to pick plants that are suited to the climate of the community garden to provide success. So, with that in…


Planting out your Veggies

We’re well into spring, which means that a lot of our wonderful gardens will be starting to plant out vegetables that were sown in preparation in winter in greenhouses, sheds, and even their homes. Find out how to get the most successful crop and harvest this year with these tips for planting out. Choose your…


Spice up your garden

This blog is not for the faint hearted, or for the cooler mouths. This is all about HEAT and how you can bring an extra spice to your table with these 4 flowers, fruits, and veggies you can grow in your garden. Rocket This peppery salad leaf is not only one of the fastest veg…


5 Speedy Growing Veg

If you’re looking for a quick turnaround in your home-grown harvest, these 5 vegetables are ready from seed to plate in 30 days or less. Radishes If you sow the radish seeds in fertile and damp soil, they’ll be ready to harvest in as quick as 25 days. Keeping the soil moist will ensure rapid…


10 Plants for a shady garden

Some people struggle with their gardens getting too much sun exposure, causing them to have less time slots to water. But what about those gardens that spend most of the day in the shade? Don’t let the lack of sun stop you from planting in your garden. You can still grow flowers, fruit, veg and…


Planning what to grow for your garden project…

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