How to help the bees

In the UK alone there are about 70 species of bees that help to pollinate. Without them, we can kiss some of our favourite foods goodbye! Help bring a buzz to your school and community garden, by introducing bee-friendly features.  It’s always a great day when you hear the low gentle hum, and spot the…


How to make friends through gardening

According to a recent study by the Red Cross in partnership with Co-Op more than nine million adults in the UK are often or always lonely. Could community gardening be the anecdote? No matter how friendly your school or community is, getting stuck in can be a daunting prospect. That’s why we’ve come up with…


The Great Garden Quiz 2023

Challenge yourself, your schools, and your communities with this year’s Great Garden Quiz! The questions range from music and films to the history of gardens, plants, and, of course, some general knowledge. And if you get any wrong, don’t worry! It’s a great opportunity to learn some fascinating new facts.


How to sow and grow sunflowers UK

Sunflowers are one of the nation’s favourite flowers. And it’s not hard to see why. Their vast, golden blooms are like slices of sunshine. Plus, their impressive height makes a real statement in the garden. The good news is that annual sunflowers bloom from summer into autumn. And, to enjoy them all summer long, all…


How to sow and grow lettuce UK

None of us want to be slaving over a hot stove when the sun’s out. The perfect solution? Salad! So, why not give growing lettuce a go in your school or community garden? Salad season is officially upon us! When it comes to the crunch, growing your own lettuce is easy, cheaper, and far tastier…


Bake your own beetroot brownies

Beetroots are a bit like Marmite. A love it or hate it vegetable. But did you know you can bake Beetroots into gorgeous brownies that everyone will enjoy? Chocolatey and nutritious, with around half the fat of regular brownies, these are a great way to seamlessly introduce healthier sweet treats into communities and classrooms. Why…


How to sow and grow beetroot UK

Beetroot is easily recognisable for its brilliant red roots, and delicious (though a little divisive) sharp taste. Beetroot can be boiled, roasted, and pickled. And makes a particularly impressive addition to a cheese sandwich! Beetroot are a great veg for school and community gardens. They take up very little room and can even be grown…


How to sow and grow carrots UK

  Sweet, crunchy, and delicious, carrots are a great veg to get growing in your school or community garden, today! Carrots are a compact veg. They take up little space, look a little more unique, and, of course, taste even better than shop bought. Plus, they come in all different shapes and colours. Did you…


Cultivation Street Winners 2022

It’s been another challenging year for many of us, but gardening has provided inspiration, motivation and recreation for millions of Britons. Today we celebrate the Cultivation Street winners of the 2022 campaign. For 10 years my national community gardening competition Cultivation Street has been celebrating the best of Britain’s green spaces. From inner cities to…


Winners coming soon

As we wrap up another year of Cultivation Street – not just any year, but the 10th year – we are once again astounded by the entries. It may have been another challenging year for many of us, but gardening has provided inspiration and motivation for a lot of us too. It allows us to…