Make Your Own Bird Feeders | Activity

Making your own bird feeders is a fun and cost-effective way to help out the birds in your garden or outdoor space. Using shop bought garden bird seed and items you may have around the house, here are two guides for creating your own. 1) Yoghurt Pot Bird Feeders You Will Need Lard Garden Bird…


Our ‘ Magnificent Seven’ School Gardening Projects

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2014 Cultivation School runner-up – Skipton Parish School

School volunteer Kath Pickard was talking to a dinner lady one day about the derelict area at the back of the school. It had been left as a tip – full of rubble left over from nearby building work. Together they decided to take on the challenge of transforming it into a school garden. It…


2014 Cultivation School winner – Ysgol Egsob Morgan

Junior school Ysgol Egsob Morgan in Denbighshire, Wales, has run an Eco Club for five years. Pupils grow a wide array of vegetables and have planted over 800 trees on the school site. Teacher Richard Hatwood told us that all activities are led by the children and they are represented on the Eco Committee. They…


2014 Inspiration Street winners – Woodlands Community Garden

Woodlands Community Garden has been built by the community for the community. Over the last four years they have transformed a derelict site into a thriving outdoor community centre. Much of the space is dedicated to raised beds, where members can grow their own veg, herbs and fruit. They hold community events to bring people…