Crops to grow year-round

Whilst traditional to sow and grow vegetables annually, it might surprise you that some crops keep growing year-round. Or for most of the year and these are known as perennial veg. There are huge advantages to having perennial veg, the most important that you can harvest from many of them year-round. This saves you money,…


Early spring gardening jobs for indoors

Spring is a busy time of year both for the natural world and also for Community gardeners!  There will be lots of things to do outside in the spring but the weather can often be extreme. Rain and cold can make it impractical to work the soil. If that’s the case plan indoor jobs that…


Top three plants that smell like sweets

As the summer holidays creep closer and closer, why not transform your community garden into a place that kids will get stuck in? The best way to do this? Make your school or community garden smell like a sweet shop!  Discover our quick list of sweet-scented plants that smell as if they’ve been taken straight…


How to Grow the Perfect Herb Garden

How to Plant the Perfect Herb Garden   Herbs are the perfect edition to any garden. Not only are they super pretty and smell gorgeous, but they are also really easy to plant in your garden. Not to mention, they’re super tasty and healthy too! Why not take a look at our 5 brilliant herbs, with…


Sleep: Plants that can help you

In order to be productive you need rest. And if you’re struggling to get your 40 winks at night, there are some natural solutions that can help. Plants can be used to help you drift off and get the rest you need.  By not getting the rest you need, a bad night’s sleep can lead…


Basil – Sow Your Own

Sow Your Own Basil We know it’s cold outside, so why not start some of your planting indoors now? Basil is a great herb to start on your windowsill. Find some small to medium size pots and fill the bottom half with compost. Plant the seeds half a centimetre deep from the top of the…