Build your own bug hotel

Bug houses come in all shapes and sizes Bug houses are a popular feature in school and community gardens. There are a simple and cheap way of creating a wildlife friendly environment. Look at some of the bug houses from across our network! If you feel inspired by these creative wildlife havens, take a look…


Get to know: WHFGG – Sunday Mirror

Cath Fletcher Volunteer for Welsh House Farm Green Grafters Our Story In 2016 Welsh House Farm Green Grafters was set up to run alongside the Welsh House Farm Big Local community project and aims to focus on the environmental side of the community initiatives. It then evolved into the Green Grafters with a more specific…


Get to know: Grow for Talgarth – Sunday Mirror

Rosie Williams Volunteer for Grow for Talgarth Our Story In March 2018 we adopted an unused piece of land to develop a ‘Pick Your Own’ area by the riverside and on one of the main entrances into the town. We decided to use boxes as the land needed a good deal of work and fertilisation…


Get to know: The Old Railway Garden Centre – Sunday Mirror

Matt Lewis The Old Railway Garden Centre, Brecon Potato growing contest My name is Matt Lewis and I work at The Old Railway Garden Centre in Brecon. I have been Cultivation Street Ambassador for the past few years and have been lucky enough to win Ambassador of the year in 2017 and come runner up…


Sandown Castle Community | Their garden story

Since its launch in 2013, the Cultivation Street campaign has expanded to support hundreds of school and community gardening projects across the UK. It is now a thriving hub for gardeners to share stories, top tips and advice as well as access a plethora of free resources to enhance their gardening projects. For this week’s…


Winter vegetables

by Kirsty Ward The nights are drawing in, the mornings have a chill and the bobble hat is securely on when I’m down on my allotment now. We are heading into winter but that doesn’t mean that the allotment needs to come to a stop, there are always lots of jobs to be doing and…


Digging techniques to aid you and your garden

Digging in the garden is something we do all the time, whether it’s for planting new trees or turning over soil, but many people don’t realise that a bad digging technique can put you at risk of injury. The best time to dig is from October through to December- this can be difficult as the…


How to set up a community garden

Cultivation Street was set up to pull together some of the best community gardens across the nation and tell their stories of success. This in turn will motivate others to follow their lead. We’ve seen all sorts of amazing community gardens from schools and neighbourhoods all getting together to create great outdoor spaces to enjoy…