Create a fairy garden| Activity

Fairy gardens are a great way to engage children and inspire them to create their own mini garden. The planting principle is the same and a general garden pot or container is the perfect size… just add creativity. You don’t have to create your garden for just fairies, toy dinosaurs and model characters seem to…


Paint your own pots | Activity

Painting your own set of decorative pots is an imaginative way to display your prized plants! They add personality and humour to your display and can be painted any colour combination or theme that you like –  a simple activity suitable for any age. We have put together a flower and ladybird design below to…


Vegetable pairs game | Activity

Learn the names of vegetables you can grow in your garden while having fun! Download our work sheet then follow the simple steps below to make your very own vegetable pairs game! DOWNLOAD VEGETABLE PAIRS GAME WORKSHEET You Will Need Two printed vegetable game sheets Colouring pens and pencils Two sheets of plain card Scissors…


Grow Your Own Cress Heads | Activity

Our Cress Heads are a simple way to get growing. With just a few everyday items you can create these humorous little characters and watch their hair grow longer, day after day! Use our expressions sheet to inspire your designs. DOWNLOAD EXPRESSIONS SHEET You Will Need An empty egg carton Empty egg shells Permanent marker…


Make Your Own Bird Feeders | Activity

Making your own bird feeders is a fun and cost-effective way to help out the birds in your garden or outdoor space. Using shop bought garden bird seed and items you may have around the house, here are two guides for creating your own. 1) Yoghurt Pot Bird Feeders You Will Need Lard Garden Bird…