2014 Inspiration Street winners – Woodlands Community Garden

Woodlands Community Garden has been built by the community for the community. Over the last four years they have transformed a derelict site into a thriving outdoor community centre. Much of the space is dedicated to raised beds, where members can grow their own veg, herbs and fruit. They hold community events to bring people…


2014 Commemoration Street Winner – Harry’s Patch

To celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the start of the war, on 4th August, we launched a new Commemoration Street campaign category for the best display of poppies. Ray Wilson, a resident of Ivybridge in South Hams, Devon, decided he wanted to do something in his local community to mark the Centenary celebrations. He’s an…


One year on: Inspiration Street winners King’s Heath revisited

To celebrate the second year of our Cultivation Street campaign, we’re taking a look at last year’s winners and what they’ve done with their prize vouchers. The deserving winners of Inspiration Street 2013 were residents of Grove Road Estate in King’s Heath, Birmingham. They had come together to develop the gardens in their sheltered housing…


Cultivation Street garden centre heroes – Bents Garden & Home

As part of our Cultivation Street campaign, we are going to be looking at garden centres that are going the extra mile to encourage their local community to get gardening! [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”] Bents…


One year on: Sustainability and Community winners Greening Brownfield

To celebrate the second year of our Cultivation Street campaign, we’re taking a look at last year’s winners and what they’ve done with their prize vouchers. Greening Brownfield Community Garden was the deserving champion of the 2013 Sustainability and Community award. They impressed the judges with their stunning garden built on the mantra: reduce, reuse…


One year on project: Cultivation School winners Minety pre-school

To celebrate the second year of our Cultivation Street campaign, we’re taking a look at last year’s winners and what they’ve done with their prize vouchers. Last year’s deserving Cultivation School winner was Minety pre-school in Malmesbury, Wiltshire. Their stunning efforts involving pupils, parents and staff wowed our judges, and they’ve done even more this…


Cultivation Street – St Peter’s school garden pond by the students

We’ve had some fantastic entries for the schools category of our Cultivation Street campaign this year. One of them is St Peter’s Junior School in Derby, where pupils have created an incredible school garden, complete with a wildlife pond! Pupils have also been working towards the RSPB’s Wildlife Action Awards scheme with outdoor education practitioner…


How to: plant a perfect hanging basket

  Hanging baskets are great fun and give you loads of colour and pleasure all summer. They are great for bringing flowers to walls, porches, windows and doorways. They have a reputation for being high maintenance, but I’ll show you some simple tricks to get luscious blooms for months on end!     Choose your…


Why is gardening so important for kids?

Discover how David Domoney discovered the importance of gardening as a child, and what he’s doing to help others discover gardening’s value as an adult!  How did David Domoney discover the importance of gardening?  I’ve loved gardening since I could first hold a trowel. And when I wasn’t playing in the garden, I was working…