Grow a Sensory Garden

Gardening does take some work, but it should still be fun and not a chore – after all, it’s an activity that the whole family can enjoy. What could be nicer than sharing your love for all things green with your children? However, many people struggle to get kids in the garden with them. If that…


Build your own bug hotel

Bug houses come in all shapes and sizes Bug houses are a popular feature in school and community gardens. There are a simple and cheap way of creating a wildlife friendly environment. Look at some of the bug houses from across our network! If you feel inspired by these creative wildlife havens, take a look…


Why is gardening so important for kids?

Discover how David Domoney discovered the importance of gardening as a child, and what he’s doing to help others discover gardening’s value as an adult!  How did David Domoney discover the importance of gardening?  I’ve loved gardening since I could first hold a trowel. And when I wasn’t playing in the garden, I was working…