Get to know: Forty Hall Community Orchard – Sunday Mirror

Tessa Bishopp Volunteer Forty Hall Orchard Question & Answers with Forty Hall Orchard How often do you meet? Last Sunday of each month and the more flexible of us sometimes meet in-between on Wednesdays. What are the features of the garden? Large orchard set on an organic working farm within the M25. We have over…


Get to know: Redwood Park Academy – Sunday Mirror

Ed Bond – Horticulture teacher Redwood Park Academy Our story The Redwood Park Academy garden is used as an educational space for 5 schools in the Solent Academies Trust where students have complex learning difficulties, physical disabilities or other additional needs. The garden project started about 3 years ago, changing from an occasionally gardened space into…


The Magic of Microgreens

Microgreens are herbs and plant seedlings that we harvest before they’re full size. Top chefs have been using flavorsome microgreens as garnishes for years, but did you know that these trendy seedling veggies are easy to grow and packed with nutrients. Here’s all you need know to get going with these marvelous mini greens. Making…


Get to know: Wychall Primary School – Sunday Mirror

Wychall Primary School   Published in the Sunday Mirror Many of us are now gardening with wildlife in mind. Whether it be planting lavender for the bees or creating a bug hotel in a shady corner of the garden, we are all becoming more conscious of our minibeast friends. We all want to do our…


Plant for August | Gazania

Gazania The Gazania, also known as the African daisy possess an eccentric mix of bright and bold hues. This perennial can give a pleasing pop of colour to any back garden.  A particularly eye-catching plant that has the amazing ability to close their flowers in dull weather, making them a chosen cultivar for the warmer…


Get to know: IncludeMe2 – Sunday Mirror

Suzie Wilson – IncludeMe2 Our story Our group is called the #allotmentangels and we are a part of of Includeme2 club are based in Reidvale Community Allotment in Dennistoun, Glasgow. We meet 4 times a week and sometimes 5 and are currently volunteering over 100 hours a week! A number of the members of Includeme2…


Get to know: The Railway Garden – Sunday Mirror

Kate – Snowy Owl 1st Shepherdswell Brownies Our story Our Brownie group is called 1st Shepherdswell Brownies. We are based in Shepherdswell, Near Dover, Kent and we meet every week. We love having fun, making new friends, crafts, pack holidays, trips! As a group we are passionate about the great outdoors and enjoy making habitats…


5 fun ways to attract wildlife to your garden

Hedgehogs It is easy to encourage these small, prickly, yet cute creatures to hibernate and rest in your garden. You may even find they’ll raise their young once your home is more established. Studies have shown that hedgehog numbers are decreasing which is a real shame given that they keep down the numbers of pesky…


Get to know: The Wonky Florist – Sunday Mirror

Sue Hulme – Wonky Garden Our story Wonky Garden was started by myself and two friends in 2017 after we met during our cancer treatments. From our very early discussions when we talked about what we’d like to do after our treatements had ended, it became clear that we all had our own personal objectives…


Plant for July | Lavender

Lavender With its bushing habit, vivid flowers and pleasing scent, lavender is a real cottage garden staple. A favourite for bees and other insects, it is a must have for any wildlife garden too!   Where to plant Lavender enjoys full sun and well-drained soil. They struggle in heavier soils such as clay and loam,…