Jobs for July

After a gorgeous sunny June, your garden should be luscious and colourful. As we close in on July, we want to help you make the most of your summer garden with getting a head start on your July jobs. Deadheading Your bedding plants and perennials by now will probably need deadheading. Especially if you want…


Raised Beds for Children

Getting children into gardening can be tricky, but there are ways to keep them engaged. It’s best if they can visually see what is growing, so they can get excited and enthusiastic about keeping it alive. Therefore, picking slow growers isn’t the best option when it comes to planting a raised bed for children. Try…


Plants that Pack a Punch

– Plants that Pack a Punch – Half the joy of gardening is creating a perfect space for you and your plants. Paying attanetion to colours and themes, and organising your plants can certainly optimise your garden. If you’re looking for plants in your garden that are going to get a lot of attention, are…


Activity – Collecting Rainwater

Collecting rainwater is a super simple activity that almost anyone can get involved in. Plus, there are lots of ways to go about it!  In the summer, when the weather has been warm for a longer period of time, you’ll be grateful for the extra collection. Especially when you want to limit the amount you’re…


Summer Weeding

Weeds are a common problem all year round, but after a bout of hot weather then some rain, they seem to sprout up out of nowhere. Our guide to summer weeding will help you pick the best time and techniques to get your garden weed free. Pull them Pulling weeds is fine if you get…


It’s All White

Many of our gardens have an assigned space where people go to read, meditate, or just reflect on their day. Having a peaceful space is beneficial. Especially when it comes to being able to de-stress and recuperate from day-to-day life. If you’re looking to create something similar in your community or school garden, why not…


Welcoming Wildlife

So many of our garden’s focus is on the wildlife they can attract to their garden. Protecting bee’s, feeling birds and housing bugs seems to be a common staple in most of our entries. We love it! If you’re a new garden, or an established garden looking to generate some wildlife activity, here are a…


6 Sun loving Plants

When the weather warms up in the summer, and we have a consistent amount of sun and no rain, it’s easy to start panicking about whether or not your garden will look more like the desert than the botanical gardens. Honestly, DON’T PANIC! There may be some of you who have what we like to…


5 Bedding Plants for instant Colour

With May being quite the wash-out weather wise, you may have not been able to get into your garden as much as you’d have liked. We are forecast a gorgeous weekend and a pretty warm June so you may be wondering how to get that instant summer garden. Here are 5 bedding plants you can…


What to Do, Sow, Grow and Harvest in June

With summer well and truly on it’s way, we thought we’d suggest to you some Growing Sowing and Harvesting suggestions, a long with some jobs and things to think about. Sow As we step towards summer, we suggest you sow your salads. There are many different varieties such as rocket and spinach which will be…