5 Speedy Growing Veg

If you’re looking for a quick turnaround in your home-grown harvest, these 5 vegetables are ready from seed to plate in 30 days or less. Radishes If you sow the radish seeds in fertile and damp soil, they’ll be ready to harvest in as quick as 25 days. Keeping the soil moist will ensure rapid…


Grow a Sensory Garden

Gardening does take some work, but it should still be fun and not a chore – after all, it’s an activity that the whole family can enjoy. What could be nicer than sharing your love for all things green with your children? However, many people struggle to get kids in the garden with them. If that…


Plant your own Butterfly Garden

There’s something extremely peaceful about watching a butterfly fluttering around your flowers. With their colourful wings and so many different types to spot, why wouldn’t you want to attract them into your garden? We have four of the best plants for pollinators for you to plant to start your own butterfly haven. Lantanas These plants…


Show stopper blooms for your garden

If right now you’re looking to add some strong statement pieces to your garden, these four shrubs and ericaceous plants are great additions to any garden. They can grow large and colourful and are perfect if you are looking to fill larger spaces. Azalea This gorgeous brightly coloured plant is a real eye catcher. It…


Bring the Mediterranean to your Garden

We really have been blessed with some incredible weather recently. As many of us may have lost out on holidays, we wanted to show the ways you can bring the ‘Mediterranean’ to your back garden. Palm Trees Nothing screams HOLIDAY more than a palm tree. You can bring the tropics to your garden by buying…


Edible Flowers

Over the past few years, you may have noticed that edible flowers are making an appearance. They have become a popular decoration and garnishes on food dishes and cocktails. There’s nothing more surprising than being told you can eat a beautiful bloom that arrives on your plate. So, why don’t you add an extra special…


Containers: Top Tips with Miracle-Gro

Creating beautiful bright displays in hanging baskets, pots or planters is a great way to add colour to any garden – even with a smaller space such as a window box or balcony, you can enjoy cheerful bedding plants, all summer long. Container gardening is fun for all ages – there’s no digging required, and…


Make your own garden labels

With a busy spring sowing in the greenhouse and garden, once you’ve decided what you want to plant, it’s important to keep track of what you have planted where. While there are plenty of great plant labels available to buy, a fun way to keep yourself organised and reduce your plastic use is to make…


Tips for March

Within our Cultivation Street network there are individuals with amazing knowledge both about gardening and running community gardens. They understand first-hand the needs of organisations and can tailor their advice to this. Our tips for the month is written by Cath from Welsh House Farm Green Grafters community gardening group. Cath not only has endless…


Make Your Own Bird Feeders | Activity

Making your own bird feeders is a fun and cost-effective way to help out the birds in your garden or outdoor space. Using shop bought garden bird seed and items you may have around the house, here are two guides for creating your own. 1) Yoghurt Pot Bird Feeders You Will Need Lard Garden Bird…